How do I delete my Verified Metrics account?

How do I delete my Verified Metrics account?

To permanently delete your account, please send an email to with the same email you used to set up your Verified Metrics account indicating your desire to delete your account.

Data privacy is a non-negotiable priority for us. This step ensures that we can authenticate the request is indeed made by the account holder themselves.

How long is the process to delete the account?

Once you send us the deletion request via the same email you used to set up your Verified Metrics account, we will process your request within 30 days.

What happens when I send in a deletion request?

Once our team receives your request, we will start the process of deleting your account. During this time, we will delete:

  • Any app integrations you have made (this includes deleting all the source companies you have connected)
  • Any flows you have created
  • All your information will be deleted from our database

This means that…

  • You will still be able to access your previously created models if you have saved them in your Google Drive, as well as anyone you have previously shared those flows with BUT they will not be updated with new data.
  • If you want to try Verified Metrics again, you can still use the same email you used to sign up originally BUT you will start as a new user
  • You can also use a different email to sign up again
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